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Get full visibility into what SaaS apps you're running. See who's using them, and whether they're being used as intended. So you can make better choices about how you optimize your software spend.

Rationalize SaaS portfolio

Reduce licensing costs

Consolidate duplicate tools

Uncover shadow or rogue IT

Pinpoint adoption opportunities

Realize the original promise of your enterprise SaaS software.

Optimization isn't just about only paying for what you need. It's about making sure you're getting what you paid for.
Drive software adoption and get more value out of the software you have.

Free for a limited time only. Qualifications apply.

You can't fix what you can't see:

$16M annual wasted investment on duplicative or unused software.
51% number of deployed applications that enterprises are unaware of.
60% of leaders think a lack of end-user adoption negatively impacts digital ROI.

How does it work?

Compare software investments to real usage trends and adoption data, telling the full story of technology across your organization.

Free for a limited time only.

Get full visibility into all SaaS applications in a single dashboard. See exactly what you have, what's being used, and how it's being used.

Analyze click-by-click activity by application, department, and user to understand software usage in the context of the jobs your people are trying to get done.

Breakdown spend data relative to usage. Find savings opportunities to optimize license costs and consolidate duplicate tools.

Identify opportunities to increase ROI on your tech stack, leveraging a platform that's purpose-built to drive software adoption.

WalkMe Discovery is 100% secure. We are committed to protecting your information,
never collecting PII and are GDPR compliant. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

*WalkMe Discovery is free through December 31st, 2023 for the first 200 qualifying accounts