How to Conduct Effective Digital Transformation in Enterprise

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
Updated May 2, 2023
Digital transformation is imperative in today’s fast-moving business landscapes — companies must evolve or risk becoming extinct. The term describes a company’s efforts to elevate their business by utilizing the latest technology on the market. While digital transformation in enterprise is common, it is often executed ineffectively. Big change initiatives can disrupt organizations, and too often companies dive in without truly understanding how to introduce new technologies. digital transformation processes There are significant risks for those who act without a strategy, including getting left behind while your competitors find new ways to differentiate. Digitization is a necessity, but it means diving into the unknown. Companies often reject initiatives that threaten their status quo once staff is settled into a routine they’re comfortable with. When businesses introduce digital changes, they often fail to identify bottlenecks. This can dramatically impact digital transformation in enterprise. This article is meant to help you identify and react to the three most common digital transformation mistakes. no

A Failure to Inform Your Troops

Digital transformation in enterprise is a big deal and will affect everyone from high-ranking staff to frontline soldiers. Digital processes will affect the daily duties of frontline employees more than anyone else, because they’ll be required to use new software and systems to reach higher levels of performance. With this being said, can you imagine how a failure to incorporate staff input, or at least keep them informed on what’s happening, can influence change? As humans we naturally reject change. If transformations are happening behind the backs of employees, they’ll be even more inclined to reject the new technology. digital adoption This can be avoided with simple dialogue, which can involve promoting the benefits of digital technology, particularly how it will make your employee’s lives easier. This will increase your staff engagement and satisfaction, increasing the chance they embrace change. Support for digital transformation should start with leadership — top-level buy-in can have a trickle effect through your organization. However, just getting management onboard is only the beginning. Remember to train, educate, and involve your employees at every stage, otherwise you’ll undoubtedly run into problems.

Legacy Thinking?

Digital transformation is as much about the digital tools being implemented as it is adjusting the mindsets of employees. It benefits no one to introduce a new technology if your staff aren’t onboarded effectively, or if they’re not fully committed to change. Throwing staff in at the deep end is a recipe for disaster, so you must leverage the training and communication to bring success. If your business leaders lack agility, how can you expect digital transformations to reach its true potential? To unlock the capabilities of new technology, a change in mindset is crucial. This is why organizations often fail when they try to layer new technologies over existing processes. The impact of the new tech is compromised. This is known as legacy thinking, where organizations are too rooted in their organizational norms to implement real change. With a legacy outlook, you’ll only reach a fraction of the advantages of digital. Instead, you’ll be busy dealing with the added complications from layering the new over the old. digital workplace

No Clearly Defined Goals

It’s essential to have a plan of action, otherwise, you’ll quickly become overwhelmed. You need to establish a direction, specifically what you plan to achieve with new technologies, and how this fits with your current objectives. This involves the implementation of clearly defined goals and milestones that will keep you on track. Too often businesses dive into digital transformation and hope for the best, with no real rhyme or reason. This means there’s no way to measure success or have any indication of whether your digital transformation is progressing. To avoid chaos ensuing, proper planning is very important. Though this can drain time and resources, it’s certainly worthwhile when you consider the cost of having no strategy. A general direction won’t suffice, so remember to establish clearly defined goals. Avoid difficulties by understanding the complexity of digital transformation in enterprise, which extends to how you deliver value to consumers through measured interactions.
WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.