Business Process Standardization

What is Business Process Standardization?
Business process standardization is when procedures or processes are unified to create a set standard or best practice that the whole organization follows. Business process standardization is needed in the absence of a consistent process or if different teams are doing the same work, yet using different processes to reach their end goal.
What are the benefits of business process standardization
- Improves clarity – a standard process will eliminate the need for guesswork or extra searching, meaning that everyone is on the same page.
- Guarantees quality – tasks will be completed in a pre-determined way that has been proven to work best.
- Promotes productivity – employees won’t need to ask colleagues questions or endlessly search through documentation to find out how to do complete a task.
- Saves time – a set process creates a standard flow that will save employees time by eliminating assumptions and redundancies.
- Enhances transparency – different teams or individuals completing the same task will have identical directions on how to carry out the task.
Business Process Standardization and Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs)
Digital adoption platforms are designed to facilitate seamless software learning by simplifying the user experience and ensuring proficiency on any software platform, website, or app. DAPs can be used to automate business processes and have users adopt business process standardization by implementing the correct flow within any platform.
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