Why All Companies Should Prioritize Continuous Employee Training

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
Updated December 6, 2023

A common misconception about employee training may be capping the potential of your workforce.

Many people believe that employee training is only required for new employees. But make no mistake—individual employees and the company at large reap the benefits of long-term, continued learning and professional development.

Guarantee effective training at every stage for all employees.

The truth is that the more a company invests in its employee training processes, the more likely it will experience higher retention rates, better employee engagement, elevated motivation, and better overall financial performance.

Ongoing employee training is for everyone

ongoing employee training

Effective training contains two main elements. One layer addresses the company’s strategic objectives. The other focuses on individual employees’ goals and professional development.

It is crucial to establish an open dialogue between company leaders, managers and employees. Important questions to ask employees include:

  • How do you view your role in the company?
  • What skills would you like to develop?
  • Where do you see yourself, personally and professionally, in the next year?
  • What can the company do to help you get there?

Consistent discussions that cover these questions produce two important benefits:

1. You show employees that the company has a genuine interest in their professional success and happiness, which contributes to higher levels of motivation and better quality work.

2. The company can more accurately gauge which resources it needs to provide effective training and achieve its goals.

The frequency and type of training will differ from employee to employee, but the bottom line stays the same. Creating successful employee training programs requires employee input and responding with the most relevant and engaging educational material.

Use the best training resource you have — Your employees

employee mentors

Identify those who could serve as mentors to other employees and encourage them to take a role in other employees’ training.

Those with technical know-how and strong interpersonal skills will get others excited and drive the workforce toward better performance. Senior level workers will serve as examples of how continuous learning is an important part of the company culture and key to professional success.

In addition to in-office training, encourage workers to attend conferences, presentations, and demos. Then follow-up on their participation to keep the momentum going.

Embed ongoing employee training as a core value

All employees, new and veteran, should have access to learning opportunities and professional development. On the contrary, training should be regarded as a core organizational value.

With more training opportunities comes higher engagement, better work performance, and a stronger bottom line. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Discover how contextual learning supports ongoing employee training.

WalkMe Team
By WalkMe Team
WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) for organizations to utilize the full potential of their digital assets. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning and contextual guidance, WalkMe adds a dynamic user interface layer to raise the digital literacy of all users.