Enchanting your digital adoption journey: 3 magical solutions to delight your users

Neerja Katwala
By Neerja Katwala
Updated December 4, 2023

What does your standard shopping excursion entail? Visiting nearby stores, comparing prices, and exploring online portals for the latest deals. All standard stuff, nothing extraordinary.

Now, let your imagination soar into the enchanting wizarding world of J.K. Rowling, where you find yourself strolling the bustling streets of Diagon Alley for your shopping needs. Shoutout to all the Harry Potter fans – and even if you’re not familiar with this magical universe, you’re in for a treat! Diagon Alley is far from your typical mall experience. Each shop holds unique, custom-made items and is a treasure trove of one-of-a-kind, handcrafted items, showcasing an exquisite blend of the finest, most extraordinary, and delightfully bizarre creations in the world.  It’s like stepping into a realm of wonders.

Similar to the magical allure of Diagon Alley in Harry Potter, a digital adoption platform has the power to captivate your users, turning their ordinary day-to-day system interactions into extraordinary adventures. With their enchanting potential, DAP solutions offer an experience that transcends the ordinary, creating a world of wonder and excitement for users to explore.

Guess what? As DAP Professionals, you’re all wizards and witches! That’s right. You’ve already been conjuring some fantastic magic in your systems, and now I’m here to unveil three more enchanting spells that will elevate your users’ experiences.

Spell #1: Virtualis Illusionis: Creating immersive and engaging digital experience for users.

In our non-magical life, we consume news via a newspaper, either in paper or a digital format. These usually feature static images and black-and-white layouts for news updates. But, in the wizarding world, newspapers come alive with flashing gifs and mesmerizing motion graphics that truly bring the news to life.

Now, let’s apply this analogy to our WalkMe solutions. Imagine you receive an urgent email from the sales team asking you to restrict user access to certain deals. Your standard DAP solution approach might be to create in-system shoutouts with a big warning sign. But let’s be honest, users can become annoyed seeing these warning signs all the time. That’s not the best user experience, right? But fear not, we have a magical solution!

Picture this: you add Chuck Norris onto your users’ screens. Now, instead of a standard (boring) warning ShoutOut, yours features a GIF of Chuck shaking his head and playfully warns users about the restricted deals. It’s like casting a spell to transform annoyance into amusement: users will have a chuckle and won’t mind encountering it repeatedly. That’s the magic of elevating the experience and making the system more user-friendly! So go ahead, unleash the charm of GIFs and start enchanting your users!

Key takeawaysUser attention spans are short. You need to ensure that your solutions:

  • Make a (positive) impression
  • Are memorable
  • Are enjoyable

Spell #2: Automagica Efficiens: Automate and streamline digital processes for increased efficiency.

What does your daily routine look like? For me, it typically involves getting up, making my bed, cooking, cleaning the dishes, doing my laundry, etc. A monotonous and mundane non-magical life.

But do you know what happens in the Wizarding world?

A “scouring charm” takes care of all the dishes on its own. Similarly, all other tedious tasks can be done with a single flick of the wand. What if you could give the same experience to your users?

Let me share a real-world example:

In my company, our consultants consistently create duplicate records, which requires them to regularly enter the same information multiple times. Unfortunately, the system lacks a copy function, so they have to input this data manually.

But, with one simple use of my magic wand – aka WalkMe and my DAP building skills, I was able to automate this process for them. Now, with a simple click of a button, new records are duplicated without users having to manually submit all the entries. The results are magical too! The new copy button is clicked about 226 times a month, saving our users approximately 74 hours of work and the company around $4,238 in training costs per month.

At the end of the day, we delight our users by automating dreary data entry tasks, bringing them joy and ease. It’s like casting a spell to brighten their days!

Key takeawaysAutomation helps:

  • Save user time
  • Save money
  • Make users happy

Spell #3: Data Arcanium: unlock hidden insights and knowledge within complex digital data.

When we want to navigate from point A to point B, we input coordinates into our phone’s GPS and trust it will guide us. While it offers real-time traffic updates and turn-by-turn directions, it does not notify you if your friend is grabbing a coffee nearby.

Now, imagine a magical parchment that reveals an entire location, with moving dots representing the exact location and movement of every individual. For my Harry Potter fans, this is the Marauder’s Map: a whole new level of awesomeness, almost like an exclusive secret club where you can see “hidden” information.

What if I told you that WalkMe tools like insights and UI Intelligence provide similar magical abilities? It’s true. My company wanted to gain an understanding of how users were navigating our systems — where they were clicking, where they were encountering errors, and which forms were taking up the most time.

By utilizing tracked events, funnels, and UI Intelligence, I was able to track all of the above information. We identified that users were making errors on certain critical form fields, and, as a result, they were spending a significant amount of time attempting to correct these errors.

This insight helped us create solutions – including tool tips and step-by-step guidance – that helped reduce these errors, enhancing users’ experience while also saving valuable time. As another benefit: since we stop employees from adding inaccurate information, we improve our data integrity and accuracy.

By delving deep into the mystical data realm, we weaved a magical experience for users by crafting solutions that made their errors vanish.

Key takeawaysIt is important to:

  • Use data to understand where problems might exist
  • Enhance users’ experience, using insights from real analytics
  • Monitor and guide users in real time

In essence, weaving these three enchanting spells into your systems will evoke an
experience for your users that mirrors the awe, wonder, and thrill Harry and his wizard friends experienced during their inaugural visit to Diagon Alley. The magic lies in simplicity; the easier you make the system for your users, the more they’ll be spellbound, returning again and again to accomplish their tasks with ease and delight.

Let the magic of user-friendly design transform your platform into a haven of productivity and satisfaction. So, wave your wand of creativity and let the Wizardry unfold!

Looking to experience more of the WalkMe magic? Learn how to cast leveled-up DAP solutions at Realize! Join Neerja and Laura Dean, Digital Adoption Training Lead at TUI, two experts in the Digital Adoption space, as they share their favorite DAP pro tips, discuss some new capabilities that will make the DAP building experience easier and faster than ever before, and more.

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Neerja Katwala
By Neerja Katwala
Meet Neerja, a seasoned digital adoption wizard with over 7 years of experience, currently working as a Digital Adoption Manager at ServiceNow. She has been recognized as a Top 100 DAP Professional, as well as a featured guest speaker at the DAP Pro Show and at WalkMe Realize 2023. With a knack for creating captivating solutions, Neerja has collaborated with more than 40 diverse clients, leaving a trail of awe-inspiring magic across their screens. Harnessing the power of WalkMe’s technology, Neerja has been the go-to expert for unlocking the full potential of digital tools and guiding users through the mystical realms of seamless digital adoption. Beyond DAPPing, she treasures family time, devours books, and explores the world through her travels.