Introducing WalkMe(X): The premier contextual AI copilot designed for the enterprise

Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe
By Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe
Updated July 18, 2024

An old problem, amplified. 

There’s always been a gap between the rate at which we introduce technology into our organizations and the value we get. This digital adoption gap is what we created WalkMe to solve over 12 years ago. By underestimating the change management implications of technology decisions on our people, we’ve introduced friction and, as a consequence, have failed to reach most of our digital transformation goals. 

As companies embrace Generative AI (GenAI) capabilities, this problem will be amplified tenfold. 

AI copilots hold immense potential to enhance productivity and streamline workflows. But only if they are used every day, by everyone in the organization. Unless we close the digital adoption gap, the reality of AI won’t live up to the promise. 

There’s no AI transformation without digital adoption. 

WalkMe has been helping organizations manage the change brought on by technology for over a decade. The same legacy approaches to managing change that were already failing us in digital transformation will be grossly inadequate in navigating the scale and velocity of change that the GenAI transformation will bring. 

And that’s why companies need a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) now more than ever. 

But Digital Adoption Platforms must evolve to meet the unique needs of navigating the change brought on by AI. Specifically, DAPs must:

  • Bridge the human readiness gap, so that everyone can take full advantage of these new tools. 
  • Turn otherwise disjointed, siloed copilots into orchestrated experiences that are embedded in the flow of work. 
  • Give companies the visibility into who’s using these AI tools and whether they’re using them as intended. 

Introducing WalkMeX: A copilot that knows who you are and what you’re trying to do.

People, not technology or data, are the key to succeeding with AI.
JP Gownder, Forrester Analyst 

WalkMe has built the world’s first contextually aware copilot that meets every user with the next best action for any workflow, across any applicaiton. Uniquely suited for AI transformation, the new cross-app copilot democratizes AI for every employee, driving unparalleled productivity. It automatically understands who the person is and what they are trying to achieve on the screen and activates the AI for them, right in the flow of work. 

Contextual AI for every workflow, every app

Context is the key to making AI work for people. When you have the context of who someone is, what function they’re in, what role they serve, what they’re doing on the screen and what they’re most likely to do next, AI can become: 

  • Proactive. Instead of assuming people will know when and where to use AI, or having them sift through all these disjointed experiences to find it, you can bring AI directly to them, at the precise moment of need.
  • Accessible. Every single person in the organization can participate in AI transformation, regardless of their digital dexterity or comfort level with AI.
  • Actionable. When you know who the user is and what they’re most likely trying to do, you can suggest the next best action, regardless of where they are or what application they’re in. 

By pairing our unique human-computer interaction data set and proprietary DeepUI AI technology with general-purpose LLMs, we have built a contextual AI engine that powers a different kind of copilot. 

Our context-aware copilot offers proactive AI assistance without any prompting or app-switching, and a conversational interface that people can call up on-demand. 

WalkMeX’s AI-powered capabilities include enterprise search, assisted reading, generative writing, and form input validation. But unlike other copilots that stop at text-to-text, our copilot can also enable text-to-action, serving up next best actions across any application and workflow. 

And because WalkMeX leverages all our core DAP capabilities, it will provide automation, guided experiences, visibility into utilization of AI tools, and pre-packaged, AI-enabled workflows that support the most common business processes. 

WalkMeX is AI that works for everyone and not the other way around.

WalkMeX is AI that everyone gets.

Watch the unveiling of WalkMeX at Realize ‘24 and see how you can use it in your business.

Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe
By Dan Adika, CEO & Co-Founder, WalkMe
Dan Adika is the CEO and Co-Founder of WalkMe, the pioneer of the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP). The DAP brings WalkMe’s vision to life: to transform the world’s online user experience into one that is effortless, efficient, and productive. Prior to co-founding WalkMe, Dan completed a 6-year service in an elite IDF Intelligence Unit.