5 Reasons You Can’t Miss Realize 2024

Ori Herrmann
By Ori Herrmann
Updated June 18, 2024

Realize 2024 is just around the corner, and guess what? It’s bringing some transformative CHANGES that are right at the heart of this year’s flagship event theme.

You can’t really talk about digital adoption without bringing up change. It has become the driving force behind the inner workings of both businesses and enterprises, accelerating at an unprecedented rate – and the only way to avoid being left behind is to keep pace.

WalkMe, as the pioneer of Digital Adoption Platforms (DAP), has always been committed to leading the charge in DAP technology to stay ahead of change. We consistently bring our partners, customers, and even prospects along for the ride, offering the best events, products, and resources for adoption success. Realize 2024 is the time when we will deliver on all of these promises.

This year, we aim not only to explore all aspects of change in the enterprise and celebrate the DAP industry, but also to shine a spotlight on changemakers like you, without whom none of this would be possible. With that, let’s dive into the 5 reasons you can’t miss Realize 2024 if you’re a changemaker or aspire to be one.

Being at the forefront of DAP means not only creating new technologies but also enhancing our existing tech to keep pace with the rapid changes.

With the introduction of AI into our tech stacks, the meaning of progress has been transformed, supercharging both change and the entire industry. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce some major news with a spectacular product release at Realize. If you’re interested in the future of work, this is an event you can’t afford to miss—it will be a gamechanger for changemakers.

At Realize, we’ll unveil our latest innovation—a gamechanger that will revolutionize your daily work and redefine your relationship with WalkMe. Get ready for a new era of efficiency and productivity with our latest AI innovation.

Add the Product Release to your calendar now.

2. Big names. Big Inspiration. Big takeaways. 

As always, we are excited to share our stage with the best and brightest in the DAP industry. Every year, we cast a wide net to find guest speakers who have amazing stories and a mindset geared towards change, offering them the opportunity to take the main stage and share their wealth of knowledge with you.

Hear from enterprises that have developed mature digital adoption strategies and learn how they have transitioned from a single solution to organization-wide solutions that help drive their workforce. Connect and learn from industry-leading, change-making organizations:

3. Sessions for any and all changemakers.

Realize is your opportunity to bridge the gap between the excitement of Generative AI and its practical applications, equipping your organization to leverage this technology effectively. Engage in live discussions, experience firsthand demos, and uncover the potential of generative AI and digital adoption with the guidance of industry experts.

We’ve designed our event for business leaders, IT professionals, HR innovators, and sales specialists, welcoming changemakers of any digital experience level. With that, Realize 2024 presents a diverse array of sessions built to meet the unique needs of today’s changemakers. From ERP digital transformations in IT to incorporating the latest technologies in HR workflows and enhancing sales efficiency, our sessions span the spectrum of digital innovation. 

This event also spans the globe! We’ve thoughtfully designed and scheduled sessions for various regions across multiple time zones, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to participate live!

Customize your Realize 2024 experience by selecting sessions that match your goals, ensuring you gain the most relevant insights and tools. Sync your selections to your calendar to not miss out on any action. Explore the full agenda now to discover the comprehensive offerings awaiting at Realize 2024, and prepare to be part of shaping the future.

4. Celebrate Changemakers.

If you’re embracing digital adoption to translate your digital transformation dreams into reality, then you are a true Realizer and changemaker.

This is why we created the Realizer Awards, to spotlight companies and industry leaders that are using and evangelizing digital adoption to realize the full potential of technology in their respective spaces.

Realize is not about WalkMe, it’s an exploration and celebration of the entire digital adoption community. This is where the “Realizer” awards come into play, highlighting companies and individuals spearheading the digital adoption movement, solving complex issues, and achieving remarkable results for both their organizations and the industry as a whole.

The finalists for the Realizer Awards will be announced May 16th, and the winners will be announced and celebrated front and center at our keynote June 18th!

Check out the Realizer Awards now.

5. Kickoff Realize with a transformative keynote.

Join CEO Dan Adika as we unveil cutting-edge product innovations and discuss strategies for driving transformative change within your organization.

Additionally, meet visionary entrepreneur Josh Linkner, a New York Times bestselling author with unrivaled experience in propelling startups to success and a knack for creative problem-solving. He will share actionable insights on strategies fueled by imaginative and disruptive thought to transform your organization.

In this era of unprecedented progress, get ready to ignite your future with insights that not only inspire but also equip you with the following:

  • A proven framework for leading change
  • Strategies for sustainable transformation
  • The confidence to turn challenges posed by change into opportunities

Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your perspective and reshape your future. Register for Realize 2024 today and explore our impressive lineup of sessions.

Realize is more than just an event—it’s about transformative knowledge and growth. The insights you’ll acquire will empower you to enhance your digital strategy and adoption, positively impacting your organization’s ROI.

Join us for the global virtual event from the comfort of your own space on June 18th at 8:00 AM PT | 11:00 AM ET!

Can’t join us live? Don’t worry! All Realize sessions will be available for on-demand streaming following the live event.

Ori Herrmann
By Ori Herrmann
Ori is a Content & Creative Manager at WalkMe, where he excels in brand messaging and implementing effective content strategies. With a degree in Graphic Communication Management and experience in B2C content marketing & creative management, he helps WalkMe connect with its audience, fostering meaningful engagement.