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Best Employee Experience Finalists 2023

Desjardins Technology Group Inc.

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1. What business problem(s) did your organization / project face, and why did you choose a digital adoption strategy to help you solve it?

At the end of 2022, our organization faces several challenges.

The first is technological: a major update was due to be applied to the CreditLens application in December. Deployed throughout the organization for the past year, this strategic application is used by our analysts (nearly 700) to estimate the repayment capacity of our members and customers.

This update enhances the application’s performance, while resolving a number of outstanding issues. However, this new roll-out is accompanied by some thirty new issues for users. Some fields have become mandatory, some process steps are different, and several bugs affect functionality, requiring complex and time-consuming actions on their part. An employee, for example, has to perform 5 additional steps to obtain a report that can be accessed with one click before updating.

The second challenge is change management and adoption: this application generated numerous negative comments and support tickets from users during its deployment, mainly linked to the complexity of certain processes and the presence of technical bugs.

The final challenge is regulatory and time-related: the application must be effective in ensuring that all file reviews are carried out on time and in line with the expectations of credit risk management regulatory authorities.

2. How did you use WalkMe, in conjunction with other strategies and technologies, to address your challenges?

To manage the impact of this update on our teams and contribute to their efficiency, we used some thirty Walkme solutions at different levels.

To facilitate adoption and contribute to the efficiency of application users, we designed and deployed targeted information, through announcements, on the upgrade and the WalkMe tools available to them to perform their tasks efficiently in this context.

To promote accessibility to work tools and reduce cognitive load, we set up easy access, via the Interactive Menu, to guides and other work documents required by user teams according to their roles.

To work around bugs in certain functionalities, we used automation to enable users to access the usual functionalities while WalkMe, using invisible launchers connected to autosteps, performs in background all the actions made necessary by the new update.

To manage risk and data quality, we have implemented informative SmarTips on essential fields, announcements at specific points in the process, and value checks on certain strategic fields.

3. How does your digital adoption strategy, especially with regard to WalkMe, impact or benefit your end-users (customers and/or employees), your team, and leadership? RM Front End empowers RMs to deliver excellence in Wealth Management: To perform daily activities more efficiently and to deliver a differentiated client experience. WalkMe aids our end-users by ensuring:

Following the analysis of our metrics and the various meetings we had with our partners, the impact on end-users was measured at different levels:

  • Support: Qualitative feedback from our partners indicates a very significant reduction in the number of supports, and virtually no support in the thirty cases where WalkMe solutions have been deployed.
  • Adoption and commitment: the WalkMe solutions we have deployed have been massively used, with almost 73.9% of users having used our solutions since their deployment, with peaks due to the seasonal nature of application use.
  • Efficiency: In 2023, nearly 3223.27 hours of work were saved for the teams involved. This corresponds to the time required without automation and other guidance systems to perform their tasks.

4. How has your digital adoption strategy, especially with regard to WalkMe, helped your organization better achieve its mission, goals, or values?

The solutions deployed in this project generated $328,770.95 in savings for the organization and therefore our members and customers over the period from January to July 2023, for an average of 700 users or less.

The ROI of this project is of the order of 470.53% over this same period, due to the fact that certain solutions deployed temporarily to overcome technical problems with the application have not yet been resolved and continue to be relevant.

We don’t have a formal evaluation of the gains related to the hours of training and communication avoided to present these changes to each user group, however all communications about the update were sent via WalkMe. In contrast to previous deployments, for which training costs were estimated at nearly $75,000, no training was provided to users to manage the new features.

Last but not least, data quality systems have proved to be effective risk management solutions for strategic applications.

5. What about your implementation or success makes you most proud? Why?

Our support of this upgrade with WalkMe solutions is the first deployment of the 5-person WalkMe Desjardins Enterprise team since October 2022. Our results have demonstrated to the organization the value of WalkMe’s digital adoption and efficiency solutions and the impact they can generate on our results and service to members and customers.

This achievement also enables our team to position ourselves as a player in digital transformation in general, and as a partner in continuously improving user efficiency on the applications supported by the digital adoption platform.

The members of our team have thus been positioned in each of the major projects to review and improve the efficiency of our structuring processes, launched by our organization in the summer of 2023.

6. Please share any additional information about your role in the project, your results, and/or your vision for the future that supports your submission.

Our results have enabled us to improve our interventions and governance with the organization: direct link with support managers, partnerships, and measurable objectives updated with our partners.
As a result of this project, our team has adopted a more data-driven approach, which takes the form of monthly reporting, data analysis and recommendations to our partners.

Finally, this deployment is the first step in an approach centered on users and their work processes, rather than on the applications that support them. Our team is working to guide and support users throughout their financing process via a Cross-App pilot planned before the end of 2023.

7. OPTIONAL: If you're using WalkMe outside of the project described in this submission, please share additional examples.

We have developed a Chabot which, coupled with automation, integrates financial data into several files simultaneously. The aim is to reduce data integration time while minimizing the risk of error. This solution is awaiting security analysis before deployment.

We are beginning to use WalkMe to transform an application development environment into a simulator for new users of an application.

8. Company Blurb

Desjardins is the 1st cooperative financial group in North America, operating mainly in Québec and Ontario with 782 points of service, as well as an international presence, particularly in some thirty developing and emerging countries through Développement international Desjardins (DID)

7.5 million members, clients and customers

Keys services:

  • Individuals and companies
  • Wealth management and personal insurance
  • Property and casualty insurance