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Innovative Company - Best Employee Experience Finalists 2024

W.L. Gore & Associates

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What business problems did your organization / project face, and why did you choose a digital adoption strategy to help you solve it?

The biggest issue we faced was the overall adoption of Salesforce. W.L. Gore has several divisions using Salesforce in different ways. With frequent process changes and new features being added all the time, it was difficult to not only communicate these updates, but also train the end users on how best to use the tool for their specific role or division. Communications were a struggle. Email blasts were not resulting in the desired outcome, because users wouldn’t log into Salesforce to see the changes.

We needed something to help us with effective, segmented, internal communications. Live trainings proved to be difficult, time-consuming, and ineffective. Being a global company, scheduling live trainings for each time zone was not easy, and as per company policy, we could not force people to attend. Even those end users who did attend the trainings would later contact the trainers with questions that were covered in the trainings. Training materials were also very difficult to manage and maintain.

When users tried searching for help guides on their own, they found outdated content. It was hard for our development team to determine next steps for different features, because it was difficult to know if Salesforce was being used, and equally important, how it was being used.

Lastly, there was a huge disconnect in how our case management team was handling their tremendous case load. It was time consuming, no set process existed, and as a result, our reporting suffered.

How did you use WalkMe, in conjunction with other strategies and technologies, to address your challenges?

Our entire digital adoption strategy is in WalkMe, and the change in our organization has been remarkable. Communications are done with a clear in-app messaging strategy. We use ShoutOuts leading up to new feature releases and changes, as well as post go-live. The ShoutOuts link to Resources or open the WalkMe Menu directly, so users have the information they need when they need it.

Live trainings have been eliminated completely. Rollouts are now 100% through WalkMe, consisting of “tour” style Walk-Thrus, showcasing new features, as well as key SmartTips and Launchers that help users get the answers they need quickly and in the flow of work.

Each digital rollout is tracked through Insights, and Behavior Based Segmentation is used to send targeted follow-ups. Users now have a channel to our development team through buttons that link to Smartsheets. After seeing poor participation in our regular NPS surveys, I added a Launcher that only disappears once the user has taken the survey. Through NPS survey data, we have had a 94% increase in Salesforce user satisfaction since starting with WalkMe!

DAX and Tracked Events have helped our stakeholders gain the visibility needed to make important decisions. So many people reach out to me about expanding to other systems that I’m like a part-time WalkMe sales rep too!

Lastly, our case management has been automated in 9 countries and across two Gore divisions. The feedback has been amazing. We’ve saved A WEEK AND A HALF of time per user! After investigating, I found out that it took users 15-26 repetitive clicks to set up a Salesforce form to disposition cases! A process that used to take 3.5 minutes manually now takes 30 seconds automated. Since launching last year, we have saved $115k and over 1.1 million clicks! The excitement has been contagious, and we have branched out from our original 2 to 30! Due to standardizing processes, our data quality is impeccable…bonus!

How does your digital adoption strategy, especially with regard to WalkMe, impact or benefit your end-users (customers and/or employees), your team, and leadership?

This has been one of the most amazing transformations. Due to our company’s vision and values, we have many associates that have been here for 20 years. The speed at which they adopted this new strategy is staggering. We were expecting more of a pushback or to see many concerns arise, but it was exactly the opposite. Now, users have come to expect the in-tool messaging and have even asked “So the next rollout will be the digital way again, right?”. They really enjoy being able to train when it fits best into their schedule. The time savings have been tremendous as well.

Previously, they would have attended a 60–90-minute live training session, but now it takes about 15 minutes to go through the content, which leaves them a lot more time to get back out and keep selling. We have effectively saved 75 training minutes for one group of 260 users, equaling a savings of 325 training hours in sales and 10 hours for our trainer to host the sessions, just for one feature!

How has your digital adoption strategy, especially with regard to WalkMe, helped your organization better achieve its mission, goals, or values?

WalkMe has filled a huge void for leadership. Previously, it was very hard to track both training initiatives and overall software adoption, as well as to know who is doing what. For us, success is not just taking the training provided and engaging with WalkMe, but actually using the tool. We want our users to adopt new features and updates, which development has put so much time, effort, and money into creating. Having all of the associates now using these features daily has given leadership so much more visibility.

They no longer schedule endless one-on-one meetings (one feature saved 400 meeting hours!), now they quickly look into Salesforce for the data that they need. After each digital rollout, weekly stats are sent out, which have been gathered through Insights, allowing leaders to quickly follow up with key members of their teams. Many leaders even reach out to me directly, asking for stats on this or that, now that they know we have this capability.

What about your implementation or success makes you most proud? Why?

My proudest moment simply has been helping the team realize their digital adoption goals. I have been able to unite the three separate divisions, with a clear message and consistent strategy. We now have a 100% digital approach for new features and updates, and live training has been eliminated – a savings of 10 trainer hours and 75 minutes per associate per feature.

Creating our automated solutions through WalkMe saved $75k in development spend and our total value realization last year was $335k …conservatively! Introducing the tracking capabilities of Insights has been key in the decision-making process.

I continually listen to user feedback to improve their daily Salesforce experience…our automation success started accidentally when I heard someone complain in a meeting! I have built great relationships with each division, very much feel like an integral part of this team, and know that we will only grow and refine our strategy together for 2024.

Please share any additional information about your role in the project, your results, and/or your vision for the future that supports your submission.

I am the WalkMe Administrator, sole builder and am running on four systems. We have a 93.2% WalkMe interaction rate (our highest ever!) from our 2,350 associates using Salesforce, spanning 72 countries. Having 155 Tracked Events in place and stats on all content being sent out monthly is key to stakeholders in their decision-making process.

In 2024, I will continue to add more automations, in turn deflecting dev spend, and would love to expand our system count to add three more. I am also working on an AWS S3 bucket to funnel our data out and model it in Power BI, giving each team easy access to a very customizable view of their specific data.

Sharing our successes through data storytelling is always top of mind and gives me joy!

About your organization

W. L. Gore & Associates is a global materials science company dedicated to transforming industries and improving lives. Since 1958, Gore has solved complex technical challenges in demanding environments, from outer space to the world’s highest peaks to the inner workings of the human body. With more than 11,500 Associates and a strong, team-oriented culture, Gore generates annual revenues of $4.8 billion. We innovate to enhance everyday experiences, repair hearts, explore space and so much more.
